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learn to sail 

Blackwater Sailing Club is affiliated to the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) and runs a Sailing School which is a recognised RYA training centre approved to run courses from the Youth Sailing Scheme and National Sailing Scheme. We also run Power Boat Level 2 courses and First Aid courses. Our RYA courses are only open to club members, and some are offered by invitation only. The Sailing School is staffed by Club Members who volunteer their time to train other members in all aspects of sailing.

We work closely with the Cadet team and training is provided for our Cadets on three or four training weekends throughout the season and our annual Cadet Week of training and fun activities during the summer holidays. For those youngsters progressing into racing, we have coaching groups during the training events and some during club races. We are an RYA British Youth Sailing recognised Club, so encourage our Cadets to go to regional and national events to compete at a higher level. Find out more about our Cadets.   

Key Contacts

Sailing School Manager is Anna Lao
Sailing School Principal (Rear Commodore) is Allan Hunt
Chief Dinghy Instructor is Stephen Humphrey 

Cadet Skipper is Rob Carver

Club Boats

The Sailing School owns a number of boats for training purposes and some Club boats that may also be borrowed by Club Members these are bookable by using our in-house site BoatBooker

We run Adult Dinghy Courses (ADC) for RYA Dinghy Level 1 (Start Sailing) and Level 2 (Basic Skills) on Friday afternoons and run two-day courses for beginners and improvers/quick learners on specific weekends. Level 3 (Better Sailing) courses started in 2023. Courses run all year and are announced by all-member email one month in advance. See the BSC Events page to book your place. One-to-One Mentoring (one instructor and up to 2 BSC members for two hours) on the lake or the river, in a club boat or in your own boat (subject to safety inspection)  are bookable at cost via our Online Store

In addition to this there will be informal adult beginners sailing evenings on Thursdays in June. There will be experienced club sailors on hand to help you in our club boats or your own boat. 

"Can I try sailing?"

Prospective BSC members who are new to sailing are encouraged to come to our annual Open Day when sailing tasters are offered free of charge. Open Day is usually held in May but watch our Events Calendar and website for details or Contact Us

Copyright 2025
Blackwater Sailing Club Ltd.
Website content not to be copied
without permission

Blackwater Sailing Club, Basin Road, Heybridge,
Maldon, Essex, CM9 4SD 
or Contact us by email

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