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  • 09/10/2018 10:29 | Rear Commodore (Administrator)

    On Sunday 7th October a cool force 3-4 NNW wind and autumn sunshine greeted the 39 dinghies and cruisers competing in our last all in race of the season, the Dyer Cup. Race Officer George set a long line extending south from Osea Road and achieved a remarkably orderly start for the down wind broad reach port tack start. The committee boat end was very busy, but others opted for a clear wind start towards Osea. Spinnakers quickly appeared allowing the faster boats to pull clear of the closely bunched slower boats. A gybe around Doctor and then a close fetch to South Doubles and hard on the wind to Hilly Pool. Bear away for a run down to Nipper and a final gybe for the beat back to the club line. The first boat home was the Spitfire in 39 minutes but a brilliantly sailed race by Marnie and Ellie in their Feva gave them an impressive victory over some of the club’s finest helms. Second, and winning the Fendick Cup was Terry Crook in a blaze.        

    This was a very closely contested race with only 4 minutes on corrected time between the first 21 boats. This wasn’t a day for the cruisers though, first home was Joe Leary and Breezy in 30th place overall but winning the Copsey Cup for first cruiser.

    A short Dyer cup course was set for younger cadets in toppers and optimists.

    It was particularly fitting that the prizes were presented by 90 year old Peter Wilson, our oldest honorary cadet member who had made a special trip to the club for this event.

    Marnie Aers and Ellie Shelter presented with the Dyer Cup by Peter

    Marnie and Ellie Dyer Cup


    Dyer Cup:

    1st Marnie Aers and Ellie Shelter – RS Feva

    2nd Terry Crook – Blaze (Fendick Cup)

    3rd Phil Newman and Lester Apthorp – K6

    Short Dyer Cup:

    1st Jessica Taylor – Topper

    2nd Stanley Johnson – Optimist

    3rd Jess Welch – Optimist

    For the full results click Dyer Cup Results

    Photos © Zoe Nelson and Kate Stewart

  • 09/10/2018 10:09 | Rear Commodore (Administrator)

    The club held another very successful and well supported fund raiser in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support on Sunday 7th October. Early arrivals were able to fill up on bacon rolls before taking part in the Dyer Cup race, our last all in event of the season. Home Produce StallSpectators were able to get first pick on the variety of stalls. These included a craft stall, home made and home grown produce, toys and books. Visitors and returning racers were able to enjoy a selection of delicious home-made soups, bread and cakes and then buy their Christmas cards from the RNLI stand and spend their money at all the other excellent stands.

    Craft StallMany thanks to all the members who donated items for sale and who came and spent generously. A special thank you to Marilyn Sinclair and her band of volunteers who organised and ran this event. A splendid £1208 was raised making a cumulative total of £8662 raised for this most deserving charity over the past 8 years at Blackwater Sailing Club.

    For more information about Macmillan click here

    Photos © Kate Stewart

    Toys and books stall

  • 01/10/2018 17:31 | Rear Commodore (Administrator)

    Over the weekend 29-30 September a hardy bunch of BSC Cadets took part in the British Youth Sailing Regional Championship at Grafham Water. This was a six race open event over two days, with classes for Optimists, Toppers, Teras, Fevas, Cadets and Laser 4.7s and regatta fleets for the Optimist, Tera and Topper.  Conditions were good over the weekend with a shifty F2-3 breeze on the first day which made some of the races a bit of a lottery, on the Sunday the conditions were better with a steady F3-4 for the racing.

    BSC had a total of 12 sailors at the event, the biggest fleet was in the Optimist Championship Class where Nick Evans had a superb event winning the class with two Bullets, two seconds, a third and a fourth place. Further down the fleet Hugh Andrews had a successful campaign finishing 10th overall and registering a bullet. Jess Haigh, Lucy Shelter, Dominic Carver and Osea Evans all had very good results and hopefully have all done enough to qualify for the RYA East Zone Squad.

    In the Topper Championship fleet club stalwarts Lloyd and Jessica Taylor showed a strong performance, Lloyd finishing eighth overall with one second place.

    Ben Haigh competing in his first Laser open event performed very well in what effectively was a national event finishing 63rd out of 67 racers.

    In the Optimist Regatta fleet Charlie Bourne had an exceptional weekend winning the event with two Bullets along the way. Hector Trickey in the RS Tera Regatta fleet had a good weekend finishing second overall.

    The RYA Onboard Fun Fleet was a welcome addition this year and gave cadets who are not quite ready for racing the chance to improve their sailing skills, Katherine Carver had fun in this fleet and would recommend it for next year.

    Overall, this is a really good event and is the perfect opportunity for BSC sailors to start their sailing adventures outside the club. We hope to see more cadets there next year.

    Photographs © Rob Haigh, Simon Bourne, David Evans

    Team BSCBSC OptimistsThe Fleet Prepares

    Hugh Andrews

  • 24/09/2018 20:26 | Hon Secretary (Administrator)

    For the attention of all cruiser owners with moorings.

    The following days have been arranged for you to come and recover your mooring buoy and swivel for the winter.

    Saturday 6th October 0830 (HW 1100)

    Sunday 28th October 1200 (HW1440)

    Thursday 8th November 1000 (HW 1250)

    Friday 9th November 1030 (HW 1330)

    I intend to have this as a team effort. Fitter members can come out on the workboat to collect buoys and take them to the slipway, where others can then take them to the wash down to be power washed. If anyone isn't occupied it's tea and coffee duties!

    You will have to provide a winter marker buoy with your mooring number clearly marked, and 7 metres of suitable rope/light chain. If you can’t find your marker buoy, there are a lot in the container.

    This line must be thick enough and strong enough to lift your riser chain to the surface in the spring when it is all green and slimey!

    Please wear old clothing suitable for the weather, and a buoyancy aid or lifejacket if coming afloat.

    Please remember that if your buoy is left out over the winter, your mooring tackle is likely to have half the normal working life.

    No need to advise attendance, just turn up at a session start time.

    John Clark        Moorings Officer                   Ian Papworth-Moorings Officer 2019

  • 21/09/2018 14:30 | Rear Commodore (Administrator)

    Following discussions between the Blackwater clubs, the organisers have decided to cancel the races scheduled for Sunday 23rd September. The forecast is still uncertain, but it seems a deepening low pressure is going to track right over us. While the winds may be deceptively light in the morning, they are likely to build rapidly from lunchtime with heavy rain and strong gusts. It was not felt to be sensible to have a large fleet of boats scattered around the Blackwater when this happens. Sorry for any disappointment, lets hope we can try again next year. 

  • 18/08/2018 16:14 | Rear Commodore (Administrator)

    Blackwater Sailing Club enjoyed another great Regatta and Club Week from 11th to 17th August. There were generally good sailing winds apart from Tuesday when the dying wind and spring tides meant many had to be towed home and the fast Cruiser race had to be declared void because no one completed the course in the time limit. The now customary thunder storm with torrential rain rounded off the racing on Monday. A wide range of social events were well attended during the week. The racing finished with the winning helms from each class competing for the coveted “Cock O’ the Club” trophy. This was sailed in toppers and was won by Optimist class winner Nick Evans with Laser class winner Matty Evans second. They easily fought off the challenge provided by many of the clubs’ top adult sailors. Numbers of competitors were a little down this year, mainly due to many of our cadets and adults travelling far and wide representing the club at national and international championships.

    Cock O’ The Club 2018 – Nick Evans – photo © Guy Hawkins

    Nick Evans Cock O the Club

    Here are a few statistics from the week.

    1660 filled rolls sold by the galley

    564 boats were launched and trollies pulled up and down the ramp during the week

    520 packets of crisps eaten

    450 chocolate bars eaten

    444 people attended social events at the club

    425 corks collected by the winning team during the cork race

    320 bacon rolls eaten

    207 competitors in club week

    112 decibels hit by Belinda while performing opera at the Commodore’s Supper

    110 different boats took part in club week

    103 individual class starts

    71 boats took part in the regatta

    56 different rib crews during the week

    47 times the canons were fired during the regatta

    45.2mm rain has fallen on BSC so far this month following the driest summer for years

    15 flags pulled from the end of the greasy pole by cadets on regatta day

    11 different class starts

    11 different class winners

    10.8mm rain per hour on Thursday 16th August

    3 flags pulled from the end of the greasy pole by adults on regatta day

    1 Cock O’ the Club – Nick Evans

    Here are pictures of some of our winners, with thanks and credit to Guy Hawkins, Kate Stewart and Nigel Butler

    Phil Newman FHC K6Nick Evans OptimistJulian Berney WayfarerPhil S MirrorSteve Jarred FireballRocket Fast CruisersGuy Welch Medium HCMatty Evans LaserBevis Wright SpriteJack Bernard Tera

  • 07/08/2018 11:29 | Rear Commodore (Administrator)

    140+ cadets signed up for Cadet Week 2018 and enjoyed weather conditions ranging from “Rather windy today” to “Please can we have some more” but that didn’t matter because everyone had a great time anyway!

    Day 1 was in the “rather windy” category, so racing was changed to “go out and have some fun” for the experienced river sailors who wanted a challenge ….and boy did they. With smiles from ear to ear, some of the Lasers, Terra’s, Toppers, Feva’s, Fireball and 420’s, showed how it’s done in some adrenaline filled blasting! The set programme was torn up and the river training groups went down to the Lake in shifts to join the 30 plus Oppie training fleet, having a great day in the calmer waters. In the evening, after a fantastic Bangers N Mash dinner, the Lake once again became the centre of activity with the Zorbes providing another evening of fun as the cadets rolled their way around on the water like frantic slightly damp hamsters!

    Day 2 Lake Games started the day with the six cadet teams paddling, swimming and other wise propelling, their hand-built rafts across the Lake whilst a refreshing rain shower kept them cool! But the sun came out although an un-forecast 6 plus wind meant that there was a halt to river activities after the first race …so some of the big smilers went out for a blast again and extended their personal limits even further! Meanwhile down on the lake training went ahead with new sailors making some amazing progress. Each lunchtime and evening Peta and her Galley Gang made sure all the cadets, the cadet team and the adult helpers were served up some amazing grub and today was no different with a trip to Italy for a superb Spag Bol! To ensure that was properly digested we then boarded the coaches to Madison Heights for a couple of hours of Monkey puzzle and Roller skating.

    Day 3 – Down River Day on the River - but it was Field Games to start as the Cadet teams took part in Mass Rounders, Least Feet on the Floor and Human Knot. Then, despite the wind looking a bit light to start, it turned out to be a superb sailing day with 3 races held and all the river training groups in action. The bridge team led by Clem and Marg once again worked their magic. Throughout the week, new sailors were treated to a trip out on Nice Tri and Priscilla thanks to Darren and Rupert. In the evening it was the Grande Dinner and an Italian Pizza Van served up authentic wood fired pizzas - although Chef Luige (or was it Mario) was obviously trying to ensure our cadets and parents remained at a competitive racing weight. No matter because the Ice Cream Van made up for it with some yummy cones for desert. It was also the Cadet Talent Show where the standard of the acts just gets better and better every year!  We had everything from dancers, a clarinettist, puppet show, stand-up comedians, animal impressionists and more! Sophie took the BSC’s Got Talent award with some fantastic singing.

    Day 4 - The Tractor Pull saw the Cadet Teams attempting to show the Massey Ferguson is a light weight racing machine. However, the adult pull required engine assistance, once again demonstrating that a team of BSC Cadets can do anything! With the wind predicted to reach the “Please can we have some more” rating, everyone was happy when the sea breeze kicked in allowing a record 52 dinghies to head up to Maldon in an assault on the Promenade for Ice Creams. Operatic singing featured heavily on some boats creating a stir with the tourists. One of the most popular features of this years Cadet Week was the Day Sailing and RYA 4 Groups headed up by Belinda and Nigel in the Quests. Down on the Lake, the light winds meant the newer cadets could extend their new-found knowledge gained in the previous days to show off some very impressive sailing. In the evening it was time for the Cadets to Disco. A new addition this year was the photo booth and nearly 400 pictures of cadets in various disguises were snapped up.

    Day 5 – Last Day. Fancy Dress was the name of the game and both Cadets and Parents came up with some amazing costumes based on the letter L with the Cadet Committee connecting as Lego. Resident Drag Act Drac, came up with Lawn Lady although he was possibly beaten into second place this year by Rob C as the Python Lumberjack. The wining Cadets Team were the Lion King(s) – you could have been in Disneyland! It was another light wind day but with the sea breeze helping once again, it was the Cock O the Cadets Race with all the winners of the previous days classes, racing in Toppers for this highly coveted trophy. Sophie managed to overtake Joey on the last leg to take the overall prize. The parents also took part in their own race which was won by a light weight Marcus. Meanwhile, some of the more experienced Lake sailors went over the wall for the first time for Ice Creams at Mill Beach. Amazing job guys!!!!!

    A superb week of sailing and fun was made possible by the Cadet Committee, the Cadet team and the instructors with the support of all the adult helpers - a massive thank you to everyone involved!

    With thanks to Kate Stewart, Nicky Johnson and Zoe Nelson for the photos.

    Cadet Week Crew 2018Raft FunFeva windy dayLaser BlastSwimming FunTopper BlastSwimming FunToppers on RampRace Groups pre startTopper FunLake OptimistsNice Tri river tripsMixed fleet racingLaser blastLaser race startLaser 3000 funTopper Feva startTopper blastRob and Don

  • 23/07/2018 07:48 | Rear Commodore (Administrator)

    A massive thank you to the 38 adult and cadet members who gave up Saturday 21st July to help get the club and grounds looking good for Cadet and Club week. They toiled all day in the brutal heat and as the tide went out, a team waded through the mud to rebuild the rill, working until they dropped with exhaustion. Ditches were cleared, hedges cut, piles of rubbish and mounds round the lake were cleared and grass was cut. The patio and white benches were power washed and the boat park labels were all checked. Many other essential jobs were done during this and the winter work parties so thank you to those who have given many hours to the club to do jobs that we would otherwise have to pay external contractors to do. 

    Highlight of the day was when the warden hijacked a passing ice cream man and forced him to park by the club house. He was only allowed to leave when we had had ice creams all round! 

  • 19/07/2018 21:37 | Hon Secretary (Administrator)


    Members may have seen the reports in the press and on television regarding contamination of inland water due to the prolonged hot weather.

    Due to the health risks the activities on the lake for the Funday on Sunday 22nd July have been cancelled. The lake will still be open for normal sailing.

    It is suggested the following procedures are followed:

    • All users of the lake should be aware of the dangers and use the lake at their own risk.
    • Shower in fresh water (shower by the pavilion) after use and wash hands and clothing and if any water is accidentally swallowed, then the mouth should be washed out at once. The same applies to any eye contact with lake water. I would not advise anyone with an open wound to use the lake.
    • Dogs should be kept away from the lake for the time being for their own safety. 

    If you have any further questions please contact the Warden or email me at

  • 16/07/2018 21:56 | Hon Secretary (Administrator)

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Blackwater Sailing Club Ltd.
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Blackwater Sailing Club, Basin Road, Heybridge,
Maldon, Essex, CM9 4SD 
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