On Sunday 13th January a new record number of almost 50 members turned up to help at our third work party. The near gale force cold wind didn’t deter members who swarmed all over the site making it look more like the set from ‘Ground Force’ than a sailing club. Loads of jobs got done, fences mended, trees pruned, roots removed, more engine storage racks built in the members workshop, bulbs planted and a skip full of rubbish cleared including old windsurfers and boards to mention just a few. The hunt for brambles continued, but they are now getting much harder to find!
A big thank you to Julie for organising us all and to Kathryn and her team in the galley for keeping us fed and watered. They provided an excellent lunch for the 41 members still there of jacket potato and beans with apple cake and custard to follow. Despite the hard graft, the work parties are really good social occasions, the happy atmosphere makes you feel better, although exhausted, by the end of the day. Thank you to all those who gave up their Sunday and came along to work together to get so much done. Our next work party is on Sunday 17th February. Put it in your diary now – what a great way to get fit for the rapidly approaching sailing season.

Photos © Nigel Butler