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  • About the Online Application Form

What information do we need in your application?

We recognise that online forms can be a bit frustrating when you don't know what is coming next so this is what you can expect.

  • There are 2 application routes below depending on whether you are over or under 18 years. If you are under 18 you must be joining with an Adult OR already have a parent or legal guardian who is a BSC Member. We ask for a date of birth as some membership classes/discounts are age related.
  • If you are joining as a family an online form must be completed in turn for each individual. Sorry! This is a limitation of our online system. Family members will subsequently be placed together in a membership 'bundle' for invoicing and administrative purposes.  Please indicate on your application which Adult Family Member wishes to be designated 'Bundle Coordinator'.
  • We need your Contact Details, including a different email address for each individual. You will need an email address to apply online and access our website once membership is approved. We also send all your membership information and invoices by email.  *IMPORTANT* We understand that families sometimes share email addresses. In this case, to provide a different email address for each family member completing an application form you can modify your primary email address in the following way.  The Primary email is that used by first applicant eg JSmith@gmail.com. Subsequent family applicants without their own email address use JSmith+first name@gmail.com where 'first name' each time changes.  This meets our system requirements, and some email providers will ignore everything after the +sign and send all emails to the Primary email. You can replace these modified emails with new genuine ones, or for children you may just wish to delete them, once membership is confirmed.
  • Do you have a boat or boat(s) (Cruiser or Dinghy) which you intend to keep at the club? You don't need to own a boat to apply for Membership, but please note our guidance as there are limits to the size and weight of Cruisers we can accommodate. 
  • Do you know any current BSC Members who can Propose and Second your Membership Application? Don't worry if not, the Hon. Membership Secretary will contact you as part of your application process.
  • Do you have any specific skills or experience which you can contribute to the self-help, volunteer culture of the BSC? We are also always keen to hear of your previous sailing experiences, if any.
  • You will be asked to acknowledge that you have read the terms and conditions of BSC Membership as part of your application process. Read them now or during the application process.

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Blackwater Sailing Club Ltd
Website not to be copied
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Blackwater Sailing Club, Basin Road, Heybridge,
Maldon, Essex, CM9 4SD
or Contact us by email

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