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Lake Guidelines

The nature of the lake means it is prone to blue/green algae in periods of hot weather and therefore at times the level of toxins from algae can be above recommended safe levels. This is a purely natural occurrence that is common in many ponds and lakes at this time of year. The particular types of algae that occur in the lake are not types that usually form scums.

The health risks associated with prolonged contact with these toxins are well known and to minimise risks to lake users our lake guidelines for members are printed below. This is in line with guidance from the RYA which states that, even if toxins are present, provided members have been notified of the potential health risk and follow these guidelines then there is no need to impose a ban on sailing on the Lake.

 • Avoid voluntary immersion in the water so no swimming or “fun” capsizes to minimise risk of submersion of your head.

• When sailing or undertaking any other activity likely to involve accidental water immersion wear clothing that is close fitting so as to prevent water entering in the openings. The use of wet suits for water sports may result in a greater risk of rashes because potentially contaminated water trapped inside the wet suit will be in contact with the skin for long periods of time.

• After coming ashore, shower or wash yourself down & wash and dry all clothing and equipment after contact with the water.

• If you have been using the lake ensure that you wash your hands thoroughly with detergent and water before you eat.

Issued by the Commodore                                              
Reviewed January 2025

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