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BSC Recognised as a British Youth Sailing Recognised Club

23/09/2019 13:27 | Hon Cadet Skipper (Administrator)

Blackwater Sailing Club is pleased to announce that the club has recently been awarded British Youth Sailing Recognised Club Status.

In order for a club to achieve BYS Recognised Club status, a club must demonstrate that it runs a regular race training programme within at least one of the BYS Recognised Classes. In order to achieve the high standards of training that are expected of BYS Recognised Clubs, training must be delivered by qualified RYA Coaches to RYA Recognised Training Centre standards (or equivalent) with a Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy in place.

This is recognition for the club’s instructors and coaches who give up their time free of charge to help deliver training weekends throughout the year, thank you. It is also recognition for our Sailing School Committee (pictured) who create the structures and support to make the training weekends happen.

Finally, we would not have achieved this award without the cadets who travel away from the club to represent us at National and International events.

More details on the British Youth Sailing Scheme can be found here.

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