The Fitting Out Supper is our annual reminder that winter is receding, the days are getting longer and it is time to get your boats ready since the 2019 sailing season is upon us. On Saturday 2nd March a good mix of members had a most enjoyable evening with a delicious meal at the club. After dinner, all were treated to a fascinating talk from Peter Taylor who is a Mate with the Maldon Barge Trust. Peter explained the history of their two Thames barges ‘Pudge’ and ‘Centaur’ and included some lovely old pictures and videos. He talked about the work of the Thames Sailing Barge Trust and their aims to preserve traditional vessels and skills for future generations. Large sums of money are required to keep these old barges going so donations or practical help are always appreciated. To learn more about supporting the trust or to look at the varied opportunities for sailing on one of their barges in 2019, please visit their website
After the talk, the raffle and 200 Club were drawn. We were delighted to donate the £157 takings from the raffle to the Thames Sailing Barge Trust to help them with their work. A big thank you to Sarah Bakewell and her team for organising a most successful event.

Photos © Nigel Butler