Starting on Friday 1st March 2019 survey works will be carried out along the River Crouch, Dengie Flats/Ray Sand and the River Blackwater.
On the Crouch the survey extends from Brandy Hole Reach in the West to the Buxey Sand in the East. On the Blackwater the survey extends from Osea island in the West to Colne Bar in the East.
The survey will be carried out by PLA Survey Vessel “MAPLIN” which will deploy subsurface towed equipment up to 200m astern of the vessel which will be marked with a tail buoy. When carrying out the survey the PLA Survey vessel will be restricted in its ability to manoeuvre and will display lights and shapes in accordance with the international Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972 (as amended) Rule 27 b. The vessels will maintain a listening watch on the appropriate port VHF working channel throughout the working period.
All vessels are required to proceed with caution past the survey vessel when work is underway and at all times when advised by Crouch Harbour Authority.
Survey work is due to be completed by 10th March 2019 but this may be extended as a result of prolonged periods of unsuitable weather or other operational requirements.
This notice will be cancelled on completion of the surveys.