Blackwater Sailing Club enjoyed another great Regatta and Club Week from 11th to 17th August. There were generally good sailing winds apart from Tuesday when the dying wind and spring tides meant many had to be towed home and the fast Cruiser race had to be declared void because no one completed the course in the time limit. The now customary thunder storm with torrential rain rounded off the racing on Monday. A wide range of social events were well attended during the week. The racing finished with the winning helms from each class competing for the coveted “Cock O’ the Club” trophy. This was sailed in toppers and was won by Optimist class winner Nick Evans with Laser class winner Matty Evans second. They easily fought off the challenge provided by many of the clubs’ top adult sailors. Numbers of competitors were a little down this year, mainly due to many of our cadets and adults travelling far and wide representing the club at national and international championships.
Cock O’ The Club 2018 – Nick Evans – photo © Guy Hawkins

Here are a few statistics from the week.
1660 filled rolls sold by the galley
564 boats were launched and trollies pulled up and down the ramp during the week
520 packets of crisps eaten
450 chocolate bars eaten
444 people attended social events at the club
425 corks collected by the winning team during the cork race
320 bacon rolls eaten
207 competitors in club week
112 decibels hit by Belinda while performing opera at the Commodore’s Supper
110 different boats took part in club week
103 individual class starts
71 boats took part in the regatta
56 different rib crews during the week
47 times the canons were fired during the regatta
45.2mm rain has fallen on BSC so far this month following the driest summer for years
15 flags pulled from the end of the greasy pole by cadets on regatta day
11 different class starts
11 different class winners
10.8mm rain per hour on Thursday 16th August
3 flags pulled from the end of the greasy pole by adults on regatta day
1 Cock O’ the Club – Nick Evans
Here are pictures of some of our winners, with thanks and credit to Guy Hawkins, Kate Stewart and Nigel Butler