140+ cadets signed up for Cadet Week 2018 and enjoyed weather conditions ranging from “Rather windy today” to “Please can we have some more” but that didn’t matter because everyone had a great time anyway!
Day 1 was in the “rather windy” category, so racing was changed to “go out and have some fun” for the experienced river sailors who wanted a challenge ….and boy did they. With smiles from ear to ear, some of the Lasers, Terra’s, Toppers, Feva’s, Fireball and 420’s, showed how it’s done in some adrenaline filled blasting! The set programme was torn up and the river training groups went down to the Lake in shifts to join the 30 plus Oppie training fleet, having a great day in the calmer waters. In the evening, after a fantastic Bangers N Mash dinner, the Lake once again became the centre of activity with the Zorbes providing another evening of fun as the cadets rolled their way around on the water like frantic slightly damp hamsters!
Day 2 Lake Games started the day with the six cadet teams paddling, swimming and other wise propelling, their hand-built rafts across the Lake whilst a refreshing rain shower kept them cool! But the sun came out although an un-forecast 6 plus wind meant that there was a halt to river activities after the first race …so some of the big smilers went out for a blast again and extended their personal limits even further! Meanwhile down on the lake training went ahead with new sailors making some amazing progress. Each lunchtime and evening Peta and her Galley Gang made sure all the cadets, the cadet team and the adult helpers were served up some amazing grub and today was no different with a trip to Italy for a superb Spag Bol! To ensure that was properly digested we then boarded the coaches to Madison Heights for a couple of hours of Monkey puzzle and Roller skating.
Day 3 – Down River Day on the River - but it was Field Games to start as the Cadet teams took part in Mass Rounders, Least Feet on the Floor and Human Knot. Then, despite the wind looking a bit light to start, it turned out to be a superb sailing day with 3 races held and all the river training groups in action. The bridge team led by Clem and Marg once again worked their magic. Throughout the week, new sailors were treated to a trip out on Nice Tri and Priscilla thanks to Darren and Rupert. In the evening it was the Grande Dinner and an Italian Pizza Van served up authentic wood fired pizzas - although Chef Luige (or was it Mario) was obviously trying to ensure our cadets and parents remained at a competitive racing weight. No matter because the Ice Cream Van made up for it with some yummy cones for desert. It was also the Cadet Talent Show where the standard of the acts just gets better and better every year! We had everything from dancers, a clarinettist, puppet show, stand-up comedians, animal impressionists and more! Sophie took the BSC’s Got Talent award with some fantastic singing.
Day 4 - The Tractor Pull saw the Cadet Teams attempting to show the Massey Ferguson is a light weight racing machine. However, the adult pull required engine assistance, once again demonstrating that a team of BSC Cadets can do anything! With the wind predicted to reach the “Please can we have some more” rating, everyone was happy when the sea breeze kicked in allowing a record 52 dinghies to head up to Maldon in an assault on the Promenade for Ice Creams. Operatic singing featured heavily on some boats creating a stir with the tourists. One of the most popular features of this years Cadet Week was the Day Sailing and RYA 4 Groups headed up by Belinda and Nigel in the Quests. Down on the Lake, the light winds meant the newer cadets could extend their new-found knowledge gained in the previous days to show off some very impressive sailing. In the evening it was time for the Cadets to Disco. A new addition this year was the photo booth and nearly 400 pictures of cadets in various disguises were snapped up.
Day 5 – Last Day. Fancy Dress was the name of the game and both Cadets and Parents came up with some amazing costumes based on the letter L with the Cadet Committee connecting as Lego. Resident Drag Act Drac, came up with Lawn Lady although he was possibly beaten into second place this year by Rob C as the Python Lumberjack. The wining Cadets Team were the Lion King(s) – you could have been in Disneyland! It was another light wind day but with the sea breeze helping once again, it was the Cock O the Cadets Race with all the winners of the previous days classes, racing in Toppers for this highly coveted trophy. Sophie managed to overtake Joey on the last leg to take the overall prize. The parents also took part in their own race which was won by a light weight Marcus. Meanwhile, some of the more experienced Lake sailors went over the wall for the first time for Ice Creams at Mill Beach. Amazing job guys!!!!!
A superb week of sailing and fun was made possible by the Cadet Committee, the Cadet team and the instructors with the support of all the adult helpers - a massive thank you to everyone involved!
With thanks to Kate Stewart, Nicky Johnson and Zoe Nelson for the photos.