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25/11/2024 11:49 | Hon Secretary (Administrator)

The Dyer Cup – The Blackwater Sailing Club’s end of season trophy race.

The Blackwater Sailing Club’s last race of the sailing season, the Dyer Cup was held on Sunday 3rd November having been postponed from 20th October due to Storm Ashley’s terrible weather and force 7 winds.

In a pleasant contrast, the gentle force 2-3 easterly winds encouraged 24 boats to turn out for this annual race that is open to all the Club’s boats.  With 16 different classes there was some wonderful competitive racing in the light airs and strong tide off Osea Island.  The course took the fleet from the club line downriver on a beat to Doctor, then reaching and running back up the river through the Doubles to Hilly Pool and with a shortened course direct to the finish line at the Club. 

With all the different handicaps, the results were close. Brett Townsend, sailing his Solo was the winner and then only 45 seconds separated the next six boats on corrected time.

The Club always runs two charity events during the Dyer Cup and did so this year on the original date in October.  Despite the fact there was no racing, members who donated cakes and came along to support raised a fantastic £545.00 for Macmillan Cancer and £622.95 for the RNLI, both of whom expressed their gratitude to the Club and members for their generosity.

The Dyer cup was presented to the Club by the Dyer family in the 1950s and is awarded to the winner of this unique race.

The prize winners for 2024 were:

Dyer Cup

1st Brett Townsend, Solo

2nd Osea Evans & David Evans, Wayfarer

3rd Martin Scarth & Angela Docherty, Sprite

Dyer Cup – Slow Handicap Trophy

Richard Evans & Poppy Evans, Mirror

Dyer Cup – Copsey Cup

Breezy, John Dyer, Joe Leary, Sarah Cooper & James Tovey

If you would like to visit the club with a view to joining then please contact our membership secretary, email

For more details see

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Blackwater Sailing Club Ltd.
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Blackwater Sailing Club, Basin Road, Heybridge,
Maldon, Essex, CM9 4SD 
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