285 members, 92 boats, 13 commodores, 7 families of 4 generations & 2 of 5 generations
The Blackwater Sailing Club was delighted to host a special regatta as part of its 125th anniversary celebrations on Saturday 20th July.
Setting Sail for the Regatta (photo:Zoe Nelson)
On one of this summer’s first glorious days, the Club welcomed over 285 members and their guests and 12 ex-commodores, the earliest, Chris Collins having held the post from 1980 – 1982 and Gill Pain one of only two lady commodores in the Club’s history travelling down from Edinburgh to attend.
The regatta featured 92 boats taking part in a series of class races including fast and medium handicap, lasers, mirrors, fireballs, cruisers and sprites, the Club’s own classic racing fleet.

(photo:Zoe Nelson)
Onshore events included the popular crabbing event with 140 crabs caught in total, the entertaining greasy pole as well as swimming and cork races. Tea and delicious homemade cakes by members were also part of this traditional day with £554 being raised for the RNLI.

The Club founded by 12 local men has grown into one of the biggest on the estuary with a membership of around 1,100. It is still very much a well-loved family club run by its members to the extent that at the prize giving cadets of families that are now in their fourth and even fifth generation of membership were given certificates celebrating these long-serving families.
The 125th anniversary has created a wonderful opportunity for members’ reflections to be documented and included in the already excellent historical records of the Club. These date back to its beginning and provides a great insight into both the social history of the club and local area generally.
(photo:Zoe Nelson)