Why not come and join one of the largest Fireball fleets in the UK for a weekend of racing on the beautiful Blackwater Estuary.
This event will be held under continuing COVID-19 restrictions and RYA guidelines. The clubhouse and all facilities will be open and available to visitors, but we do ask all competitors and guests to follow the displayed capacity limits for each area, to maintain social distancing, and to wear face masks when inside the building.
Camping will be available onsite.
There will be 3 races scheduled for Saturday 12th June, 2 races scheduled for Sunday 13th June.
The entry fee for the event is £25 per boat, which can be paid in advance via BACS, or on the day via cash, cheque or card
BACS Details: HSBC
Account Name: Blackwater Sailing Club, Account Number: 30132926 Sort Code: 40-31-35 Reference: Surname-Fireball
The following documents are available to view and download:
Notice of Race
Sailing Instructions
Entry should be made by completing the online registration form here.
Please contact the Fireball Fleet Captain Charlie Stewart for more information